Monday, April 13, 2009

We have gone to the Zoo Zoo Zoo...

Have brought the kids to the Zoo on Sunday at ard 11.30am. It was drizzling when we reached, thus we waited for a while at KFC near the entrance. The drizzle stopped 10mins later and we happily made our way in to the ZOO.
And there we saw...
The monkeys...


Babirusa... (a type of wildpig)


Baby kangaroo...
Blue headed big bird(forgot it's name liao)... Only manage to take a photo with it's ass as it walked away too fast.

Don't know what it is.. a type of Squirrel??


Giant turtles...

Kodomo dragon...

A huge lizard...

We walked and walked...
And we saw the snakes! Different type of snakes, but i only took three type. Haha...

A small long tailed monkey...

By the time we reached the rainforest kidzworld, we were all hungry. Hence we went to the nearby KFC...
Kaeden waiting for his whipped potato...

After we have finished our meals, we continued our journey... and we saw
the pony...

Huge rabbits
Aiya, Kaeser and I were too busy feeding the goats and i totally forgot to take a photo of "Kaeser and the goats". Hazi...
Near to the Kidzworld, there is this Kumpong house...
We went in and i took photos of
the dressing table...

Kaeser pretending to cook at the kitchen...

Kaeser sitting beside the "old lady"...

and the white mice.

On the way back, we saw the female lions. Where are the males?


And flamingo...
Forgot to take photos of the elephants, white tigers, sun bears, goats, penguins etc. Dissapointed that we didn manage to see the polar bear...
On the way home, i then remembered that we also didn see the cows, pink pigs and sheeps... Maybe next time go again... And hubby give me that " If you want to go, go yourself" look. Haha... The kids were exhausted after the zoo and they slept all the way home.

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