Monday, April 6, 2009

Another Boring Sunday

Have packed to go for a swim ytd but the sky was not cooperative! The weather was good in the morning when i was having my driving lesson. After the lesson ended, it started to rain... Sad...
We waited for about three hours and the rain didn't stop. Kaeser has been singing the rain rain go away song non stop but the rain get even heavier.
In the end, we went Centrepoint Robinson to see look see look. My intention is to check out the price of the lego duplo villa series sets. Thought at least there will be a 15% discount as there are posters hanging everywhere stating that Robinson is having a 15% storwide and for some items 20% (Term & condition apply) . Disappointed again when i asked a sale assistant whether lego is having 15% or 20% discount and he told me: " No, Lego no discount."
Me:" Huh?? In this case how come the posters stated that Robinson is have a 15% storwide??"
Sale assistant smiling:" Sorry, term and conditon apply. For lego, there is no discount."
Me:" ok thanks." (In my mind: " What the Fu*K!")
Hubby said wait till great singapore sale then buy lor.. Ok lor.. no choice. Need to save money mah.. In the end, i brought a box of mega bloks for the kids. The size of the mega bloks is the same as lego duplo. Just that the quality is not as good.

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