Thursday, April 26, 2012

Taipei Day 2 - 24/04/2009

I know i'm lazy... and I am really very lazy to update my 2009 Taiwan trip.. (-_-;) Here was the 2nd day of Taiwan in Taipei 2009...

24/4/2009 Friday; Sunny day

Wake up early, prepared and waited patiently for Kenny to woke up. While waiting, i looked out the window of the hotel room and saw this...OMG "nice" view!

And also spotted this shop selling 蛋饼... tot the 蛋饼 was only 18NT as stated but it was 30NT...

Brought a ham 蛋饼 and the packaging was nice. Kenny liked the 蛋饼 and i liked the box.
We went to the nearby Mac for breakfast and ordered pork sausage muffins. I liked the muffin and Kenny still perfered the 蛋饼.
After breakfast, we went Long Shan Si to pray pray and take photos. There were alot of people there praying and chanting.

Our next stop was Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall (CKS). But before that, we went Wanhua clothing wholesale area near Longshan si to have a look. Brought some clothes for my kids at one for only 99NT. While I'm buzy shopping, Kenny got bored and brought a box of 槟郎. I popped one into my mouth, chewed and i sweared that i will never ever eat this thing again! OMG, it's like there's something in my throat and suddenly i had a sore throat. Kenny ate 2 and also felt the same.

CKS - Walked around, took photos, climbed up the steps to the memorial hall, took more photos, climbed down the steps, took a few more photos and headed down to Xindian - Bitan Scenic Spot.

Saw a row of crafted bricks along the walkway to Bitan bridge, which we guess were done by primary school kids. Some of them quit meaningful and some quit funny.

Bitan Scenic Spot - It was windy and we felt relaxing there.

Next Stop - Wulai

While waiting for the bus, a taxi driver approached us asking whether do we want to share his cab with another 2 passengers for 100NT/pax to Wulai. Without hesitation, Kenny agreeded and pull me to the taxi.

Stay on the right hand side of the vehicles on your way to Wulai for best view.

It took about 25mins to reach Wulai by cab. The driver dropped us somewhere near the bus terminal.

Went to Wulai old street for hotspring. Alot of hotspring shops there.. Saw a shop with beautiful pictures of hotspring rooms posted at their entrance and so we entered. See the 1st photo below... We took the pic after our hotspring session. Tot the room will be as beautiful, but to our dismay, they gave us the room as shown below... 350/pax for 80mins. There were 2 tubs in the room. One for hotspring and one for coldspring.

After the hotspring, we ordered a bowl of mango shaved ice (150NT). The man gave us a lot of mango which was sweet and nice!

We continued to shop and eat... found a shop selling handmade mochi. Very nice! Kenny and I liked the sesame one. 150NT/ box of 12pcs.

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