Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Huggies Diaper

I'm using huggies (dry, dry comfort and sometimes ultra) on my 2 kids. Brought alot from Sheng Song when the price per pack was ard $12~13. As for now, i can't find any places/ supermarkets with such good deal. The price per pack now is ard $18~19plus. Wow, diapers are getting more & more expensive!
Luckily i found YC, a nice lady who is selling the diaper at $14 per pack. The 1st time when i ordered from her, it was $13 per pack. But when i ordered the 2nd time, she told me that supplier has increased the price. Still i ordered from her because it is still cheaper than outside.
Recently, i saw someone organising bulk purchase for Huggies diaper at motherhood forum and the price per pack is $15. When i saw those threads, i immediately msged YC asking her whether the price for Huggies has "went up" again. She replied no, still $14 per pack. I think i should order more from her in case the price she's offering now goes up. (-_-")
Oh ya, did anyone notice that the quality of the Huggies diapers are not as good as last time? Just don't understand why they keep on increasing the price and yet the quality is not as good as last time. Hazi.. The reason why i'm still using Huggies is because of the velcro tape. When my active babies turn here and there while changing the diapers, it just make me go so crazy. (@_@;)

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